The applications: "MacTCP 2.0 -> 2.0.4" and "MacTCP 2.0.2 -> 2.0.4" are ResCompare resource patching applications. Applying the appropriate patch to a copy of your original MacTCP control panel will upgrade your copy MacTCP to version 2.0.4.
What Can Be Upgraded?
The following versions of MacTCP may be upgraded:
• MacTCP 2.0.2, distributed in "TCP/IP Connection for Macintosh", on E.T.O. 12, and copies obtained through developer/publisher redistribution under license from Apple.
• MacTCP 2.0, distributed on E.T.O. 11, and copies obtained through developer/publisher redistribution under license from Apple.
What Cannot Be Upgraded?
Any other version of MacTCP 2.0 (i.e, 2.0.1... 2.0.3... etc.), any MacTCP alpha, beta, or development version, or any version of MacTCP v1.x may not be upgraded.
What's The Difference?
The changes between MacTCP 2.0.2 and MacTCP 2.0.4 are described in the Release Notes document. MacTCP 2.0.3 was an interim release, only distributed internally at Apple.
What If I Need MacTCP?
TCP/IP Connection for Macintosh is currently available from Apple as a retail product in both single-user and 20-user license packs.
- M8113Z/A TCP/IP Connection for Macintosh $59.00
- M8115Z/A TCP/IP Connection for Macintosh
20 user license
req's purchase of M8113Z/A $69.00
TCP/IP Connection for Macintosh is also available as a part of Apple USA's Tier Volume
License and Apple Master Software Site License programs. There is no site
Prices are suggested retail, and educational pricing is different. Volume licenses may not be available outside the United States. For more information contact your Apple account representative or authorized Apple dealer, or Apple Education Consultant. Inquire about volume software licensing, and reference the part numbers listed below.